Product Updates: January 2023

Introducing our first product updates for 2023! Manage your image library seamlessly with MashrMail. Re-order components and modules effortlessly, add new elements, and export emails as templates with our Campaign Monitor connector. Customise fonts for headlines, body text, and CTAs individually. Enjoy ESP-specific merge fields in footer modules for efficient global information management. Stay tuned for more exciting enhancements!

Manage your image library directly through the content section

We have now updated the content section in MashrMail to support managing your image library directly through the product. Through the content section, you can now store your entire image library for your brand including replacing images, deleting, and copying the hosted URL for manually entering into your emails as needed.

Ability to re-order components and modules in sidebar

Our default modules follow the ‘inverted pyramid’ marketing principal so they are a great start for your email layouts. But have you ever wanted to have your headline above the image? or maybe move the copy underneath the Call-To-Action? Well now you can simply re-arrange components in the side bar by clicking and dragging. Easy as that!

Ability to add new components in modules

If re-ordering components wasn’t enough… you can now add components! The number of possible combinations of our default modules are now infinite with the ability to add components such as Text, Call-To-Action, Images, Spacer, and Dividers to any of our prebuilt modules. Simply select the module you wish to edit, click the new ‘Add Component’ button in the side bar, and select your desired component.

Campaign Monitor connector to now support updating templates

If you have integrated Campaign Monitor with your MashrMail account you will now be able to export your emails as templates, rather than campaigns. This will allow you to then select these emails in Campaign Monitor when building automations.

Ability to assign custom fonts to Headline/Body/CTA’s individually

We have separated out custom fonts to its own tab in your Design Systems to ensure we can add even more future updates for fonts. The first of which is the newly released ability to assign a custom font to a specific elements in the default modules. Once you have set your custom font, simply switch tabs to the Typography or Call-To-Action section and you will see a new drop down menu allowing you to define the custom font for Headlines, Body copy, and CTA’s individually. This is particularly useful for setting display fonts for headlines and keeping your body copy in a simpler font.

ESP specific merge fields added to Footer modules

We have added support for a number of ESP specific merge tags in our default footer modules. These merge tags will allow you to manage global information like your Company Address, Company Name, and more directly in your ESP. These will vary depending on your integration type and we will automatically handle whether these are merge fields or static content, as entered in your Design System, based upon the specific ESP/MAPs capabilities.

Take control of your email creation

Schedule a personalised product demo today. We’ll walk you through MashrMail's features, include live examples customised to your brands needs and discuss your companies unique email requirements.


    James Craig is a Marketing Automation & Email Marketing specialist with over ten years of experience in the email industry. He specialises in implementing email design systems for enterprise-level corporations and is currently leading the creation of the world’s most advanced email production platform, MashrMail, as Head of Product.